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Want to get riders excited about transit? Go electric.

Our latest survey results are in and the verdict is clear: riders are more interested in riding public transit if the service is electric.

Manyu Jiang •

In our Electrifying Microtransit and Paratransit content series, we explore the challenges and rewards of going electric, with practical tips and insights to get you started. 

Getting more riders to use public transit is a powerful tool for sustainability. We’ve already shown that microtransit plays a special role encouraging riders to ditch private vehicles in favor of shared rides. Now, we’re exploring another avenue to make microtransit even more attractive : going electric. In March, we launched a survey to find out how riders actually feel about EVs when deployed in on-demand public transit. Nearly 600 microtransit riders in Jersey City, New Jersey, Evanston, Illinois, Miami, Florida., and Buckhead, Georgia, participated in the survey, sharing their perspective on electric vehicles and how they might impact their travel behaviors. A whopping 64% of riders said that EVs would make them ride more often or feel more positive about our service

We also heard from riders about the importance they personally place on sustainability, especially when it comes to public transit. Adel, a rider from Buckhead said, “The main reason I take public transport is to reduce my emissions.” Another rider mentioned that with EVs, they could enjoy “more guilt-free trips” and feel good about riding with a mobility provider that prioritizes environmental impact. And a third rider said that EVs are “another reason to add to the list of why I love to tell others about this microtransit service.” “It’s wonderful! I feel great to be part of this change in helping our planet.” — Ricardo, rider from Newton, Mass. We’re excited by microtransit’s ability to attract more riders to public transit, and are increasingly optimistic about the potential that electric microtransit has to encourage even more (and more regular!) ridership. While there are many critical pieces to attracting riders — investing in greater coverage and frequency, to name a few — it’s clear that going electric could also be one piece of the puzzle. With the increasing demand for greener transit options, we’re committed to meeting the needs and preferences of riders and are helping cities transition to low or no-emissions fleets.

Interested in learning more? Check out our Electrifying Microtransit and Paratransit content series, where we highlight Via’s capabilities to power EV public transit programs all over the globe.

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Manyu Jiang

Via Resource Editor