In his 2025 Budget Address to the Sioux Falls City Council, Mayor Paul TenHaken shared a success story from the city’s revamped transit system. Under Mayor TenHaken’s leadership, Sioux Falls brought in Via to launch a technology-powered transformation of its entire transit network, and the results are in from the first phase of the project: an expansion of SAM On Demand, the city’s microtransit service.
Within just a few months of its launch, SAM On Demand, has proven to boost job access, increase ridership, and promote affordable living for local residents.
• 📖 Read: New on-demand transit service wins over Sioux Falls community
Though shifting to a new, high-tech system can be daunting, but according to Mayor Paul TenHaken, “this could not be going better.” Read about what he has to say about Sioux Area Metro’s transportation upgrades and impacts below.
From Paul TenHaken:
“You know, sometimes we are presented with opportunities that have the potential to significantly transform a community. And oftentimes we don't recognize it at the time. At the beginning of this year a company called Via took over the operations of public transit. We are seeing great early success with this new partnership. Expanding availability and frequency of public transit, including SAM On Demand.
Take this recent real life example that was shared with us: Rosa. Rosa lives on the southeast side of Sioux Falls. She lost her car in January because of an accident. She could not afford the repairs to her car and the nearest bus stop was 3 miles away.
She has been using SAM On Demand to retain her job in the hospitality industry, to save money by not having to use a rideshare, and to even avoid a move that her daughter is also thankful for so she won't have to transfer schools.”
Mayor TenHaken concluded his remarks by looking to the next phase of the project, a reimagining of SAM’s fixed-route bus lines to prioritize frequency and high ridership, with microtransit coverage expansion.
“We appreciate the support tremendously from this council earlier this year of the SAM reimagined plan, and look forward to the implementation of it this fall for more impactful stories like Rosa's."

Data Journalist