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Demystifying the federal Carbon Reduction Program

Join Katie Malkin, Rachel DiSalvo, and Jason Pavluchuk as they demystify all of the complexities behind the federal Carbon Reduction formula program and what projects may be eligible for funding.

Via Transportation •

An overview.

The recent Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) created the  Carbon Reduction Program, which furnishes $6 billion over five years to states and MPOs reducing their transportation emissions.

 In this session, our policy experts will walk you through the details of the program, how to access these funds, and how to best design your innovative mobility projects with CO2 reduction in mind.


About the speakers.

Webinar Headshots (23)
Katie Malkin
Director of State and Local Policy, Via

Based in Atlanta, Katie helps Via navigate regulatory environments and advocates for policies that support transit solutions at the state and local level. 

Webinar Headshots (5)
Rachel DiSalvo
Grants Lead, Via

Rachel has been with Via for two years, specializing in grants and funding for our partners. Before joining Via, she worked as a Grants Officer for the University Settlement Society of New York and The Door. Rachel is a pro at finding funding opportunities, writing grant proposals, and ensuring compliance.

Jason Pavluchuk
Jason Pavluchuk
Founder, Pavluchuk & Associates

Jason has been providing government relations services for over fifteen years. In 2008, he founded Pavluchuk & Associates as a "a results driven one-stop shop for all public policy needs."