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With better paratransit software, reliability and efficiency go hand in hand

In Washington’s state capital, ADA paratransit riders enjoy better service quality while the transit agency maximizes resources.

Intercity transit para
on-time performance, up from 96% before switching to Via.
fewer shifts required to serve the same ride volume.
drop in no-shows.

The bottom line. 

Improving on-time performance while also raising vehicle productivity? It’s the challenge every transit agency faces when delivering paratransit services — and that Intercity Transit in Washington was able to solve by switching from a legacy provider to Via.

Tell me more.

Intercity had a few distinct goals when they sought out a new software provider: they wanted to offer riders better visibility into more accurate arrival times, have access to more comprehensive and reliable service data, and make the most of the driver resources they had amid a difficult hiring environment. 

With a cutting edge scheduling engine from Via, as well as rider- and driver-facing tools that keep everyone up to speed, they’ve achieved these results and more. More drivers arrive on-time, and riders know when they’re coming — leading to a significant drop in no-shows and greater systemwide efficiency. 

“It's doing better than any human ever did.”
— Intercity Dial-a-Lift Supervisor

Olympia, Washington
Suburban, urban
Use case
ADA paratransit