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Via announces innovative partnership with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation to revolutionize transit planning statewide

June 6, 2023 (RICHMOND / NEW YORK) — Today, Via, the global leader in TransitTech, is proud to announce a new partnership with the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) that will grant every transit agency in the Commonwealth of Virginia free access to Via’s Remix transportation planning software.

The partnership will equip more than 40 Virginia transit agencies of all sizes and settings with Via’s world-renowned Remix transit planning software. This will level the playing field for planners across the state to create the strongest public transportation outcomes for their communities through technology, whether for a temporary route detour or a system-wide redesign. 

Remix’s highly-intuitive planning tools are designed to help planners easily visualize transportation access gaps in their networks and evaluate where service optimizations can be made - ultimately helping rural, suburban, and urban agencies in Virginia serve riders in the most efficient, equitable way possible. Every transit agency will receive the full suite of Remix on-demand and fixed route transit planning tools, including Remix Transit and Remix On-demand Planning, as well as comprehensive training and ongoing strategic guidance from Via’s team of transit professionals.

Remix Transit is an industry-leading tool that enables easy analysis of demographic and transportation data to enable transit planners to plan and adjust public transit networks that ensure reliable, equitable coverage, even in times of service outages and unexpected disruptions. Remix On-demand Planning is the first product to help cities visualize how on-demand transit services can complement and extend the existing transit network, or fill the gaps where it is needed most, like in rural communities and urban transit deserts.

The news signifies a major step forward in expanding access to equitable transportation across the state, as agencies will be empowered with data-driven tools that can evaluate where service gaps exist and indicate where optimizations could be made to best serve residents and visitors. 

Remix’s transit planning tools are also designed to foster collaboration and communication, allowing DRPT and transit agencies to seamlessly share project updates with one another, as well as receive streamlined input from local officials and community members. 

"The Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation is proud to partner with Via to provide the Remix technology-enabled transit planning tools to public transportation agencies across the Commonwealth," DRPT Director Jennifer DeBruhl said. "Technology plays a key role in planning and design to deliver efficient and effective public transportation for Virginians."

“Via is thrilled to take the next step in our partnership with DRPT to introduce our Remix software to transit agencies across Virginia,” said Nithya Sowrirajan, Chief Product Officer at Via. “DRPT is already a pioneer in tech-enabled transit, and we believe that providing easy-to-use, highly-efficient tools will enable transit planners to rapidly introduce impactful transit solutions in communities of all sizes and needs.”

The partnership underscores DRPT’s reputation as a national leader in innovative public mobility, and follows the launch of several Via-powered transit services with the agency, including rural microtransit programs in Wise and Gloucester. In addition, Via’s software powers paratransit services in Williamsburg, Hampton Roads, Alexandria, and Roanoke County. 


About the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation:

DRPT's mission is to connect and improve the quality of life for all Virginians with innovative transportation solutions. DRPT is the Commonwealth’s advocate for promoting transportation options to the general public, businesses, and community decision makers. DRPT’s vision is a connected Commonwealth with an integrated multimodal network that serves every person, every business, and every need. For more information, please visit

​​About Via:

Founded in 2012, Via pioneered the TransitTech category by using new technologies to develop public mobility systems — optimizing networks of buses, shuttles, wheelchair accessible vehicles, school buses, autonomous vehicles, and electric vehicles around the globe. Building the world’s most efficient, equitable, and sustainable transportation network for all riders — including those with limited mobility, those without smartphones, and unbanked populations — Via works with its partners to lower the costs of public transit while providing transportation options that rival the convenience of a personal car while reducing the environmental impact. At the intersection of transportation and technology, Via is a visionary market leader that combines software innovation with sophisticated service design and operational expertise to fundamentally improve the way the world moves, providing technology in 600 communities and more than 35 countries and counting.