Case Study


Written by Via Transportation | Jul 22, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Case Study


North Bay, Ontario, Canada



Use Case

Replacing underperforming fixed routes


3 on-demand accessible buses / 2 fixed route accessible buses


fewer vehicle miles driven in on-demand area


decrease in vehicles needed


rides completed in first three months of service



During evenings and weekends, North Bay Transit (like many small agencies) was experiencing a drop in the demand for their fixed route transit services. This meant the six buses that were running were often carrying few riders and not meeting their travel needs effectively. The City decided an on-demand solution could help optimize their fixed routes during times of low demand to provide a better service for customers and achieve operational efficiencies.



In January 2021, North Bay Transit partnered with Via to launch myRideNB on evenings and weekends. The City is divided into an on-demand zone where three buses operate dynamically and a fixed route zone where two buses operate on a schedule. After a rider requests a trip using the myRideNB app or by phone, Via’s algorithm directs them to an on-demand vehicle or a fixed route bus — depending on which is the better option at the time of booking. For riders needing to connect between the on-demand and fixed route services, Via’s technology calculates a multimodal trip proposal with guidance on when and how to transfer between the two modes.




Wait and travel times have been reduced in the on-demand zone. We are observing a mileage reduction in the on-demand zone, too.”

Drew Poeta
North Bay Transit Transit Manager, North Bay, Ontario

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