
On-demand public transportation simulator

Written by Via Transportation | Aug 25, 2020 4:00:00 AM

Investing in on-demand public transportation can spark a number of questions. What should it look like? How will it interact with bus routes and train lines? How many vehicles will your network need? How will the operating zones fit into the overall transportation network?

That’s why we created three models to let you explore what setting up a new service for yourself could look like. Adjust the sliders on a simple set of parameters — vehicle capacity, demand, and supply — and you’ll get to see how those transit choices can create and impact your dynamic network. So, let’s start with the basics.

Click on one of the three builders below to get the ball rolling. What kind of service do you want to build today? 

  • On-Demand Microtransit Builder: Imagine your very own on-demand microtransit service. Adjust things like fleet size and demand, and watch how an on-demand service could come to life.
  • Microtransit + Fixed Route Builder: Curious how fixed routes and on-demand networks might coexist? Build a microtransit solution that maintains popular bus or train lines while also solving specific problems, like reaching transit deserts.
  • On-Demand Bus Builder: Dynamic tech = better buses. Your existing fleets could be much better — and this tool will show you how.
While interesting to play around with, these basic builders are actually inspired by the real thing: ViaViewer™. Via’s proprietary modeling engine allows our experts to build a living and breathing transportation universe, far beyond the reaches of these toy models. Using your local knowledge, we create microtransit models based on an array of parameters, including our algorithms and real-world maps — not to mention data from over 80 million rides across more than 100 global partnerships.
Rooted in the science of agent-based simulations (or computational models that simulate the ways different autonomous agents interact with each other), ViaViewer™ helps us combine actual passenger demand with a myriad of service elements to build real-world transportation networks that simply work.
But that’s our sophisticated ViaViewer™ engine. Check out the three tools above to give you a sense of just some of the many variables that go into designing a service.